Unilaterally Sarcastic, Dangerously Cheesy

Posts tagged “Its Somebody’s Fetish

Your Monday M.O.D.O.K. Moment

This is someone's fetish...
From Marvel Superhero Squad

Every Monday, we will bring you a panel, snapshot, or drawing
of the greatest Marvel character of all time
in an attempt to generate awareness of his glory.
This will end only when we run out of
glorious MODOK Material.

Which will be never.

Cosplay Appreciation Week – Day Four : Black Canary

Here two people cosplay as a cancelled series...

Black Canary is a hard costume to pull off. You really have to have the legs to rock those fishnets and be fully prepared for the attention that said fishnets will garner. You go to a convention wearing those babies and you can expect a plethora of stares and requests for pictures that will probably end up in some nerds fap bank. Thank god a bold few can actually pull it off.

Why is she smiling? Her marriage is ov...OH!

I actually like this classic version, with the blue jacket. So sue me.

Two for One

Nothing Funny Here, Move Along

Bonus Catwoman

Serious Canary Is Serious